TRISTAN DA CUNHA DORIS site description form 0. Form Prepared by : SIMB (DORIS installation and maintenance department) Date prepared : 6/05/2004 Report type : UPDATE 1. Site location information Site name : TRISTAN DA CUNHA Site DOMES number : 30604 Host agency : RADIO STATION City : Tristan da Cunha Island State or province : South Atlantic Ocean Country : UNITED KINGDOM (South Atlantic Ocean) Tectonic plate : AFRC Geological information : Geographical coordinates (ITRF) : North Latitude : -37 deg 3' 55'' East Longitude : -12 deg 18' 45'' Ellipsoid height : 49 m Approximate altitude : 2. DORIS antenna and reference point information 2.1 Four character ID : TRIA Antenna model : Alcatel Antenna serial number : 16 IERS DOMES number : 30604S001 CNES/IGN number : 306041 CTDP number : 58 Date installed (dd/mm/yy): 10/06/1986 Date removed (dd/mm/yy) : 23/05/2001 Antenna support type : 1 metre tower Installed on : Front wall interface fixed through the station : wall. Height above ground mark : m Ground mark type : None Ground mark DOMES number : 30604 Notes : 2.2 Four character ID : TRIB Antenna model : Starec 52291 type Antenna serial number : 94 IERS DOMES number : 30604S002 CNES/IGN number : 306042 CTDP number : 223 Date installed (dd/mm/yy): 24/01/2002 Date removed (dd/mm/yy) : Antenna support type : 1.2 m high, 30 cm sided concrete pillar Installed on : One cubic meter concrete base Height above ground mark : 0.490 m Ground mark type : Domed brass mark 12 mm diameter Ground mark DOMES number : 30604 Notes : 3. DORIS beacons information 3.1 Beacon serial number : 86 25 004 Beacon model : 1.0 USO serial number : 1.261 4 Char. ID of the REF point : TRIA Date installed (dd/mm/yy) : 10/06/1986 Date removed (dd/mm/yy) : 23/02/1990 3.2 Beacon serial number : 86 33 031 Beacon model : 1.0 USO serial number : 1.569 4 Char. ID of the REF point : TRIA Date installed (dd/mm/yy) : 09/10/1990 Date removed (dd/mm/yy) : 15/07/1991 3.3 Beacon serial number : 86 33 058 Beacon model : 1.0 USO serial number : 1.663 4 Char. ID of the REF point : TRIA Date installed (dd/mm/yy) : 12/01/1992 Date removed (dd/mm/yy) : 22/01/2002 3.4 Beacon serial number : 28 19 006 Beacon model : 3.0 USO serial number : 3.214 4 Char. ID of the REF point : TRIB Date installed (dd/mm/yy) : 23/01/2002 Date removed (dd/mm/yy) : 4. ITRF coordinates and velocities of the current DORIS ref. point (TRIB) Solution : ITRF2000 coordinates (derived from connection to TRIA) and velocities Epoch : 1997.0 X = 4978462.09 m Y = -1086617.12 m Z = -3823204.60 m Sig X = 0.02 m Sig Y = 0.02 m Sig Z = 0.02 m VX = 0.0193 m/y VY = 0.0162 m/y VZ = 0.0165 m/y Sig VX = 0.0023 m/y Sig VY = 0.0029 m/y Sig VZ = 0.0020 m/y 5. IERS colocation information 6. Tide Gauge colocation information 6.1 Name : Edinburgh Location : Tristan da Cunha GLOSS number : 266 Distance : 123 m Notes : Tie measured 01/2002 7. Local site ties 7.1 Point description : Mark on concrete pillar, under the DORIS Starec antenna DOMES number : Differential components from the current DORIS ref. point (TRIB) to the above point (in the ITRS) : dX (m) : -0.382 dY (m) : 0.083 dZ (m) : 0.295 Accuracy (m) : 0.001 Date measured : January 2002 Additional information : Survey by IGN-F 7.2 Point description : DORIS Alcatel antenna reference point (TRIA) DOMES number : 30604S002 Differential components from the current DORIS ref. point (TRIB) to the above point (in the ITRS) : dX (m) : 1.100 dY (m) : -3.544 dZ (m) : -1.007 Accuracy (m) : 0.003 Date measured : Janurary 2002 Additional information : Survey by IGN-F 7.3 Point description : Tide gauge: bench mark in concrete wharf DOMES number : Differential components from the current DORIS ref. point (TRIB) to the above point (in the ITRS) : dX (m) : 45.102 dY (m) : -41.495 dZ (m) : 106.470 Accuracy (m) : 0.002 Date measured : Janurary 2002 Additional information : Survey by IGN-F 8. Meteorological Instrumentation 8.1 Humidity sensor Model : HMP45D Manufacturer : VAISALA Accuracy : .+/- 3 percents Notes : 8.2 Pressure sensor Model : PTU200 class B Manufacturer : VAISALA Accuracy : +/- 0.25 mb Height : -0.4 m above the current DORIS ref. point (TRIB) Notes : long term stability = +/- 0.1 mb/year 8.3 Temperature sensor Model : HMP45D Manufacturer : VAISALA Accuracy : +/- 0.5 deg C Notes : 9. DORIS network contacts Primary contact: Name : Herve FAGARD Agency : Institut Geographique National Mailing address : Service de Geodesie et de Nivellement : 2 Avenue PASTEUR : 94165 SAINT-MANDE CEDEX FRANCE Telephone : + 33 1 43 98 81 48 Fax : + 33 1 43 98 84 50 E-mail : Secondary contact: Name : Francois BOLDO Agency : Institut Geographique National Mailing address : CNES (ED/AL/MA) : 18 Avenue Edouard BELIN : 31401 TOULOUSE Cedex FRANCE Telephone : + 33 5 61 27 40 72 Fax : + 33 5 61 28 25 95 E-mail :