MALE DORIS site description form 0. Form Prepared by : SIMB (DORIS installation and maintenance department) Date prepared : 13/09/2013 Report type : UPDATE 1. Site location information Site name : MALE Site DOMES number : 22901 Host agency : Department of Meteorology City : Male Airport State or province : Hulhule island Country : MALDIVES Tectonic plate : INDI Geological information : Geographical coordinates (ITRF) : North Latitude : 4 deg 11' 34'' East Longitude : 73 deg 31' 40'' Ellipsoid height : -92 m Approximate altitude : 5 m 2. DORIS antenna and reference point information 2.1 Four character ID : MALB Antenna model : Starec 52291 type Antenna serial number : 113 IERS DOMES number : 22901S002 CNES/IGN number : 229011 DORIS SSALTO number : 248 Date installed (dd/mm/yy): 15/01/2005 Date removed (dd/mm/yy) : Antenna support type : 30 cm sided very rigid metal tower, 2 m high Installed on : Reinforced concrete block, 0.9 m sided,1 m deep Height above ground mark : 2.371 m Ground mark type : Steel bolt, 23 mm diameter Ground mark DOMES number : 22901M002 Notes : 3. DORIS beacons information 3.1 Beacon serial number : 2819045 Beacon model : 3.0 USO serial number : 3.211 4 Char. ID of the REF point : MALB Date installed (dd/mm/yy) : 13/01/2005 Date removed (dd/mm/yy) : 23/05/2010 3.2 Beacon serial number : 2819048 Beacon model : 3.0 USO serial number : 3.400 4 Char. ID of the REF point : MALB Date installed (dd/mm/yy) : 23/05/2010 Date removed (dd/mm/yy) : 10/06/2013 3.3 Beacon serial number : 2819010 Beacon model : 3.0 USO serial number : 3.226 4 Char. ID of the REF point : MALB Date installed (dd/mm/yy) : 10/06/2013 Date removed (dd/mm/yy) : 4. ITRF coordinates and velocities of the current DORIS ref. point (MALB) Solution : ITRF2008 Epoch : 2005.0 X = 1803683.187 m Y = 6100015.216 m Z = 463192.935 m Sig X = 0.004 m Sig Y = 0.003 m Sig Z = 0.002 m VX = -0.0425 m/y VY = 0.0148 m/y VZ = 0.0385 m/y Sig VX = 0.0020 m/y Sig VY = 0.0015 m/y Sig VZ = 0.0010 m/y 5. IERS colocation information 5.1 Instrument type : GNSS Status : Permanent DOMES number of the instrument ref. point : 22901S002 Notes : IGS station MALD 6. Tide Gauge colocation information 6.1 Name : Male Location : Male airport GLOSS number : 28 Distance : 477 m Notes : 7. Local site ties 7.1 Point description : IGS station (MALD) DOMES number : 22901S002 Differential components from the current DORIS ref. point (MALB) to the above point (in the ITRS) : dX (m) : 174.769 dY (m) : -17.386 dZ (m) : -443.234 Accuracy (m) : 0.002 Date measured : 15/01/2005 Additional information : Survey by IGN-F 7.2 Point description : Mark under DORIS antenna (MALB) DOMES number : 22901M002 Differential components from the current DORIS ref. point (MALB) to the above point (in the ITRS) : dX (m) : -0.671 dY (m) : -2.267 dZ (m) : -0.173 Accuracy (m) : 0.001 Date measured : 15/01/2005 Additional information : Survey by IGN-F 2005 8. Meteorological Instrumentation 8.1 Humidity sensor Model : HMP45D Manufacturer : VAISALA Accuracy : +/- 3 percents Notes : 8.2 Pressure sensor Model : PTU200 class B Manufacturer : VAISALA Accuracy : +/- 0.25 hPa Height : 0.9 m below the current DORIS ref. point (MALB) Notes : long term stability = +/- 0.1 hPa/year 8.3 Temperature sensor Model : HMP45D Manufacturer : VAISALA Accuracy : +/- 0.5 deg C Notes : 9. DORIS network contacts Primary contact: Name : Jerome SAUNIER Agency : Institut Geographique National Mailing address : Service de Geodesie et Nivellement : 73 avenue de Paris : 94165 SAINT-MANDE Cedex FRANCE Telephone : + 33 1 43 98 83 63 Fax : + 33 1 43 98 84 50 E-mail : jerome (.) saunier (@) Secondary contact: Name : Francois BOLDO Agency : Institut Geographique National Mailing address : CNES (DCT/ME/OC) : 18 Avenue Edouard Belin : 31401 TOULOUSE Cedex FRANCE Telephone : + 33 5 61 27 40 72 Fax : + 33 5 61 28 25 95 E-mail : simb (.) doris (@)